
Perspective matters: event framing in language & society

[trigger warning: mentions of gender-based violence]

When talking about societally impactful events, our choices of words and grammatical constructions often reflect our socio-political perspective on these events and affect how the people that we talk to perceive the events. In particular, in events that involve an unequal power relationship between different groups of people, this relationship affects how the agency of the participants in the events is portrayed. Gender-based violence is a particularly relevant example of this: “woman tragically dies in family incident” and “man suspected of killing his wife” could both be factually accurate descriptions of a femicide, but, when used as a newspaper headline, convey very different views of the event. In the lecture, we will discuss ways in which recently developed NLP techniques can help make visible such different ‘framings’ and contribute to increasing societal awareness. The lecture will be followed by a hands-on session in which we will do small-scale experiments together, looking at how to apply and extend these techniques.

Gosse Minnema is a computational linguist based in Groningen, The Netherlands. He is currently preparing to defend his PhD thesis on frame semantics applied to media framing. His main area of interest is computational semantics and, in a broad sense, ways of applying it in societally meaningful ways. He is currently also an active member of the project “PeARS: The People’s Search Engine” ( which aims to promote community-owned, privacy-friendly and sustainable NLP solutions for web search and knowledge management.

When: March 26, h 14
Where: Via Sant’Ottavio 54, Room 3.06


Hi Guys or Hi folks? Navigating Gender Bias and Inclusive Language in Translation Technologies.

Beatrice Savoldi will come to Turin for a seminar / lesson as part of the course of Ethics in NLP (Master degree in Language Technologies and Digital Humanities).
Feel free to join if you are interested in the topic!

Where: Aula 3.06 Thin Client (terzo piano) – Via Sant’Ottavio 54 – Via Sant’Ottavio – 54 – Torino

TitleHi Guys or Hi folks? Navigating Gender Bias and Inclusive Language in Translation Technologies.

When: 11:00-12:30 March 15, 2024

Abstract:  Societal gender asymmetries and inequalities can be embedded in our communication practices and perpetuated in language technologies, including Machine Translation (MT) systems used as scale. In this presentation, we will delve into the current landscape of MT and gender bias, as well as current proposals towards more inclusive language.
By focusing on English-Italian as an exemplar language pair, we will discuss the challenges and opportunities — both theoretical, technical but also linguistic —  in fostering a more equitable automatic translation.

Short bio: Beatrice Savoldi is a postdoc researcher at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) within the MT research unit, where she mainly works
on trustworthy and gender inclusive translation technologies. Beatrice carried out a joint international PhD at the University of Trento
and Augsburg with a dissertation on gender bias in Machine Translation, which was awarded the 2023 best thesis Research Prize
from the Augsburg University Foundation. Her research interests broadly encompass ethical and social considerations of language technologies.