

Davide Colla presents a novel multilingual lexical resource called LessLex.

Title: LessLex: Linking Multilingual Embeddings to SenSe Representations of LEXical Items

LessLex is a novel multilingual lexical resource. Different from the vast majority of existing approaches, he grounds the embeddings on a sense inventory made available from the BabelNet semantic network. In this setting, multilingual access is governed by the mapping of terms onto their underlying sense descriptions, such that all vectors co-exist in the same semantic space. As a result, for each term there are thus the “blended” terminological vector along with those describing all senses associated to that term. LessLex has been tested on three tasks relevant to lexical semantics: conceptual similarity, contextual similarity, and semantic text similarity. He experimented over the principal data sets for such tasks in their multilingual and crosslingual variants, improving on or closely approaching state-of-the-art results. He concludes by arguing that LessLex vectors may be relevant for practical applications and for research on conceptual and lexical access and competence.

Related Paper: LessLex: Linking Multilingual Embeddings to SenSe Representations of LEXical Items 

When: On 26th March at 11.30 am
