
WordUp! at VaxxStance 2021

Combining Contextual Information with Textual and Dependency-Based Syntactic Features for Stance Detection

Mirko Lai and Alessandra T. Cignarella will present an innovative approach to detect stance online, proposed in the frame of the VaxxStance shared task.

Title: WordUp! at VaxxStance 2021: Combining Contextual Information with Textual and Dependency-Based Syntactic Features for Stance Detection

In this talk, they will describe the participation of the WordUp! team in the VaxxStance shared task at IberLEF 2021. The goal of the competition is to determine the author’s stance from tweets written both in Spanish and Basque on the topic of the Antivaxxers movement. Their approach, in the four different tracks proposed, combines the Logistic Regression classifier with diverse groups of features: stylistic, tweet-based, user-based, lexicon-based, dependency-based, and network-based. The outcomes of their experiments are in line with state-of-the-art results on other languages, proving the efficacy of combining methods derived from NLP and Network Science for detecting stance in Spanish and Basque.

When: On 8th October at 11.30 am

