
Lexicons and distributional semantics for sentiment analysis and radicalization detection

In this seminar, Oscar Araque will present his research group (Intelligent Systems Group) from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, as well as his research interests and recent projects. In the talk, he will briefly describe some previous works in semantic modeling, sentiment and emotion analysis, distributed representations, radicalization and propaganda detection.

Short Bio:

Oscar Araque received the graduate and master’s degrees in telecommunication engineering from the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Spain, and the Ph.D. degree in the same university in 2020 with the thesis titled “A Distributional Semantics Perspective of Lexical Resources for Affect Analysis: An application to Extremist Narratives”. He is currently an Assistant Professor in Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. His research interest includes the application of machine-learning techniques for Natural Language Processing. More concretely, his interests lie in the introduction of specific domain knowledge into machine learning systems in order to enhance sentiment and emotion analysis techniques, and their applications to other domains such as radicalization narratives, moral value assessment and hate speech. He is currently working in the H2020 PARTICIPATION project, where he is using NLP/ML techniques for radical propaganda detection.

When: 09/05/2022 at 15.30

Where: in presentia at Sala Riunioni at the 3° floor