
Semantic Coherence Markers for the Early Diagnosis of the Alzheimer Disease

Matteo Delsanto will present a work published on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, under the title Semantic coherence markers: The contribution of perplexity metrics, together with Davide Colla Daniele Radicioni, from the Computer Science Department (University of Turin), and Marco Agosto and Benedetto Vitiello, from the Department of Sciences of Public Health and Pediatrics (University of Turin).


Devising automatic tools to assist specialists in the early detection of mental disturbances and psychotic disorders is to date a challenging scientific problem and a practically relevant activity. In this work we explore how language models (that are probability distributions over text sequences) can be employed to analyze language and discriminate between mentally impaired and healthy subjects. We have preliminarily explored whether perplexity can be considered a reliable metrics to characterize an individual’s language. Perplexity was originally conceived as an information-theoretic measure to assess how much a given language model is suited to predict a text sequence or, equivalently, how much a word sequence fits into a specific language model. We carried out an extensive experimentation with healthy subjects, and employed language models as diverse as N-grams – from 2-grams to 5-grams – and GPT-2, a transformer-based language model. Our experiments show that irrespective of the complexity of the employed language model, perplexity scores are stable and sufficiently consistent for analyzing the language of individual subjects, and at the same time sensitive enough to capture differences due to linguistic registers adopted by the same speaker, e.g., in interviews and political rallies. A second array of experiments was designed to investigate whether perplexity scores may be used to discriminate between the transcripts of healthy subjects and subjects suffering from Alzheimer Disease (AD). Our best performing models achieved full accuracy and F-score (1.00 in both precision/specificity and recall/sensitivity) in categorizing subjects from both the AD class, and control subjects. These results suggest that perplexity can be a valuable analytical metrics with potential application to supporting early diagnosis of symptoms of mental disorders.

other links
Data in brief dataset publication
Semantic Coherence Dataset: Speech transcripts

When: 13/01/2023

Where: Sala conferenze at the 3° floor


Voice interaction for supporting blind people to access mathematical  expressions

Pier Felice Balestrucci presenterà il suo lavoro Dialogare con la matematica: verso un’interazione dialogica vocale automatica per la navigazione di espressioni matematiche.

Le tecnologie assistive sono quelle tecnologie che permettono di rendere accessibili e usabili prodotti informatici, hardware e software, anche a persone disabili.

Lo scopo di questo lavoro è rendere più facile e comprensibile l’ascolto di formule matematiche a persone ipovedenti e cieche. Le formule matematiche sono ricche di simboli difficilmente leggibili dai lettori di schermo, ossia applicazioni software che identificano ed interpretano il testo mostrato sullo schermo del computer.

Generalmente chi ha una disabilità visiva per leggere le formule usa una rappresentazione LATEX, la quale risulta non solo molto verbosa e lenta, ma costituisce una barriera per chi non conosce questo linguaggio.

L’ obiettivo principale è la realizzazione di uno strumento che possa portare diversi vantaggi e semplificazioni a supporto di queste categorie utente. Questo strumento prevede sia la traduzione delle formule matematiche in frasi matematiche, ossia frasi in linguaggio naturale convertite con tecniche di Natural Language Generation, che l’introduzione di un sistema di dialogo per navigare ed esplorare la formula.

When: 15/12/22


Application and approaches of Multi Document summarization in Medical Data with state of the art

Md Murad Hossain will talk about application and approaches of Multi Document summarization.
Multi-document summarization is an automatic procedure to extract information from multiple texts written about the same topic. It focuses on generating a coherent summary from documents concerning an event or issue. Recently, multi-document summarization techniques have been used to summarize the different web pages such as sports, weather, business, etc. Even in the medical sector, it can help outline the web pages in brief sentences or paragraphs. The recent uses of multi-document summarization techniques allow physicians or doctors know about medicine or diseases within a short time. In my presentation, I want to explain some approaches of multi-document summarization that can be used in the medical data set. I also want to show state-of-the-art based on studied articles on this topic with research gap, which may help us go ahead with the application of Multi-document Summarization approaches.

When: 6th May

Where: in presence and online


iTelos – A methodology for building reusable purpose-specific Knowledge Graphs

Simone Bocca (University of Trento), will present iTelos – A methodology for building reusable purpose-specific Knowledge Graphs.

Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have become more and more popular in recent years, due to their efficiency in handling, representing and integrating information. Within different areas of interest KGs are exploited, for several objectives, by applications, services, as well as data analysis and visualization. Such popularity increased the need of building KGs for many different purposes stated by users, sometimes, without a clear understanding about the several issues to be addressed while building a KG. We propose iTelos, a KG building methodology designed to support the user in resolving those issues. In other words, iTelos aims to reduce the effort in building KGs as suitable as possible for the purpose expressed by the final users. To this end, the methodology is based on two key ideas; (i) to stratify the resources involved into different semantic interoperability levels, in order to deal with multiple types of data heterogeneity; (ii) to enhance as much as possible the reuse of already existing data and knowledge resources during the KG building process, thus reducing the effort required for the construction, and producing in turn highly reusable resources. iTelos is currently taught in the Knowledge and Data Integration (KDI) master course in University of Trento (Italy) and Jilin University (China), as well as adopted in EU projects by KnowDive group (University of Trento, Department of Information engineering and Computer Science).

Related links:

Giunchiglia, F., Bocca, S., Fumagalli, M., Bagchi, M., & Zamboni, A. (2021). iTelos–Purpose Driven Knowledge Graph Generation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.09418.

Giunchiglia, F., Zamboni, A., Bagchi, M., & Bocca, S. (2021). Stratified data integration. arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.09432.

Giunchiglia, F., Khuyagbaatar B., Gabor, B.: Understanding and exploiting language diversity. In: IJCAI (2017)

When: 25/03/22

Where: online and in presence